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Feast of Feasts

Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany
with St. Francis

Advent 2 – Simplicity

“Take care! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of possessions.” – Jesus in Luke 12:15

Jesus taught us to be careful where we store up treasure, whether on earth or in heaven, lest our possessions come to possess us. This does not mean one does not need the stuff of life, but that the better path is to remain detached in such a way that the things we own are not the most important part of our lives. And in simplifying our lives, we also find more time for a spiritual path. We see this in the life of Francis who embraced holy poverty and, in the process, was able to give so much to the people of his age from the spiritual wealth he accumulated.

Simplicity could be seen as a rigid rule, but we experience it more as a grace, a gift from God. We live in a 1925 bungalow in a less than prestigious part of Savannah. Our house reflects this Franciscan ideal for simplicity of life. Not that living in a 1,050-square foot house puts us on a path to holiness, but it does set limits on what we can acquire. The stuff we buy needs to fit this life. And the bins in the back of our two-car garage point to how much further we have to go in minimizing the stuff we own. Simplicity, no matter how we live into it, is the intentional way we focus our lives on what matters most to us.

Questions for reflection

Are there ways in which you would like your life to be more minimalistic? Where would you start?