Diocesan Staff
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18 East 34th Street
Savannah, Georgia 31401

The Rt. Rev. Frank S. Logue
Ms. Maggie B. Lyons
Maggie manages Bishop Logue’s visitation and appointment calendar. She also handles accounts receivables, and is a Title IV (clergy discipline) intake officer for the diocese.

Canon Andrew C. Austin
Andrew assists the bishop in overseeing the finances, benefits, and insurance concerns of the Diocese. He is the contact for issues with accounts payable concerns, as well as pensions, and insuring employees and property. He annually receives congregation audits.

The Rev. Canon Loren V. Lasch
Loren assists the bishop in overseeing the clergy and congregations of the Diocese. She is the contact for clergy transitions and for major issues that arise in the parish, including conflict, and is a Title IV (clergy discipline) intake officer for the diocese.

The Rev. Canon Joshua H. Varner
Joshua currently assists the bishop in overseeing programs especially youth programs and summer camp at Honey Creek. He also is the staff contact for other programs including Leading with Grace and Cursillo while overseeing diocesan liturgies.
On January 1, 2025, he will move to being the Canon for Congregational Vitality working to increase support (such as training, events, and on-site visits) and connections among our congregations.

Ms. Liz M. Williams
Contact Liz to get something shared in our email newsletter, From the Field, and for any needed changes to the diocesan website. Liz can also assist parishes with guidance on their own communications. She manages our overall database and so receives phone and address changes for clergy, lay leaders, and congregations. She also manages our disaster response database of contacts for each congregation and communicates during natural disasters.

Mr. Dade Brantley
Contact Dade about our Retreat Center at Honey Creek. He is assisted by GeorgeAnne Younger georgeanne@honeycreek.org who works directly on the Honey Creek staff. Both of them can be reached by phone at (912) 265-9218 about holding an event at Honey Creek or registering for an event.