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2024 Convention Resolutions

These resolutions have been submitted for Convention 2024 as written below.

Resolution to Amend the Audit Canon

Accounting and Audits. Each congregation and diocesan institution is required to maintain appropriate accounting books and records to properly account for all the financial activities of the entity. Each entity’s financial statements and the underlying accounting books and records shall be audited and reviewed on an annual basis as follows:

(a) Entities having annual receipts from all sources of $500,000 $675,000 or more shall be reviewed or audited by an independent Certified Public Accountant.

(b) Entities having annual receipts from all sources of less than $500,000 $675,000 shall be reviewed or audited by an independent Certified Public Accountant or, alternatively, shall be reviewed by a person or committee knowledgeable in financial matters and chosen from within or without the entity. Treasurers and bookkeepers shall not be eligible to review or audit the financial records of their respective entity.

This Canon is on page 22 of the Constitution and Canons.