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Feast of Feasts

Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany
with St. Francis

Advent 4 – Peace

Peace is a complex term in the Franciscan sense. Francis understood peace more in the Hebrew sense of Shalom. But shalom implies more than lack of conflict. Shalom means completeness, soundness, welfare, and peace. It can also be translated as “success,” and is used in that way as part of a blessing in 1 Chronicles 12:18. In its most straightforward sense, shalom refers to an external peace between two entities—such as individuals or nations—and to an internal sense of peace within the individual.

God’s peace does not come to us easily. It is the kind of peace that lasts and was shown to us in the life of Jesus— His ministry, death, and resurrection. The entire aim of the ministry of Jesus was to establish a community so convinced they were beloved of God, they couldn’t help but proclaim to others that they were beloved as well.

As former Third Order Franciscan, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, said, “Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.”

And in doing your “little bits of good” on a regular basis, you will not only grow more peaceful within, but the world, itself, will also become a little bit more peaceful.