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Feast of Feasts

Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany
with St. Francis

Christmas II – Creation

His ability to see the footprints of God inscribed on everything in Creation allowed Saint Francis to find God wherever he went in the world. And finding God in the things of creation led Francis into the loving arms of Jesus, for Christ is the Word of God made visible in the world.

“Francis came to realize that it is Christ who sanctifies creation and transforms it into the sacrament of God,” writes Franciscan author Ilia Delio. “The intimate link between creation and Incarnation revealed to Francis that the whole of creation is the place to encounter God. As his eyes opened to the holiness of creation, he came to see that there is nothing trivial or worthless. Rather, all created things point beyond themselves to their Creator.”

Saint Bonaventure, a First Order Friar and scholar who died in 1274, describes the contemplative vision of Francis as contuition, or, seeing things for what they truly are in God. In his book, The Life of Saint Francis of Assisi, Bonaventure writes:

“In beautiful things he contuited Beauty itself and through the footprints impressed in things he followed his Beloved everywhere, out of them all making for himself a ladder through which he could climb up to lay hold of him who is utterly desirable. . . . He savored in each and every creature—as in so many rivulets—that fontal Goodness, and . . . sweetly encouraged them to praise the Lord.”

Francisan author and speaker Richard Rohr sums it up well, “Francis had a unique ability to call others—animals, plants, and elements—‘brother’ and ‘sister’ because he himself was a little brother. He granted other beings and things mutuality, subjectivity, ‘personhood,’ and dignity because he first honored his own dignity as a son of God. The world of things was a transparent two-way mirror for him, which some of us would call a fully ‘sacramental’ universe.”