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18 East 34th Street
Savannah, Georgia 31401
Logo & Image Library
The images below may be used without further permission by the churches of the Episcopal Diocese of Georgia, or diocesan congregations publicizing their mission and ministries (such as using the photo of Bishop Frank Logue in your newsletter or local newspaper before his visitation). All others, please make your request to the diocesan office stating the desired usage.
Bishop Frank Logue
Click on any of the four photos above of Bishop Logue to get a full-size version suitable for reproduction in a parish newsletter or local newspaper.

The Seal of the Diocese of Georgia
The seal of the Diocese of Georgia was created by the first bishop, the Rt. Rev. Stephen Elliott, Jr. The seal shows the two dates with 1733 noting the arrival of the first Anglican priest along with Georgia’s first colonists and 1823 as the date the Diocese of Georgia was organized with three parishes. The seal shows an ox standing in front of an altar and a plow with the Latin motto in utrumque paratus agere et pati, meaning “always ready for either action or sacrifice,” from which we derived “Always ready to worship and serve.”
Both the seal and the coat of arms remain authorized symbols for the Episcopal Diocese of Georgia. The seal, shown at left, is available in a variety of sizes to assist in your usage of this image:

The Coat of Arms of the Diocese
This Coat of Arms of the Diocese of Georgia was adopted in 1971. Its design was commissioned by then Bishop Paul Reeves who said the seal of the diocese would remain the same, but this could be used where a coat of arms might be appropriate. Its significance is described at our Diocesan Emblems page.
The version of the coat of arms shown above, and this image is available in a variety of sizes to assist in your usage of this crest:

A computer-generated version of the coat of arms, which is also available in the following sizes:

Episcopal Shield
Episcopal shield from current logo for The Episcopal Church, which is also available in the following sizes:
Photos of Bishops of Georgia
The following links go to very large file size images of the eleven Bishops of Georgia. These images are offered here for congregations wishing to have an 8×10 or 11×14 of all the bishops for hanging in the church. Click on either the picture or a name below. When the picture loads, save it to your computer (right click and then select save for windows or control click for macs and then save). Then you can send the files to a photo printer in your area to get low cost pictures for framing.