Below is a list of primary differences between the Diocesan Policies as they currently stand, and the older Diocesan policies (approved in 2011). Underlying each difference is a shift in theological approach away from a focus on limiting liability, although that remains a concern, and toward caring appropriately for children and youth in the context of both our call to love God and love neighbor (Luke 10:27) and our Baptismal Covenant which requires us to respect the dignity of every human being (BCP 305).
- There is a list of definitions that is helpful to read through prior to taking the online training modules, as the modules sometimes refer to terms without defining them.
- The number of people who are required to undertake the basic “universal” training, is expanded to include everyone who has unfettered access to the building (key holders) and thus could potentially be present in the building at the same time as children.
- The section that details supervision of programs and best practices is expanded to include helpful guidelines in a variety of situations.
- There is a section detailing how to respond to concerns as they arise. The Diocese will also be providing a reporting form to assist in this responsibility, should it arise. Note that in the state of Georgia Child Protective services considers all clergy and religious leaders, along with those in many other professions, to be mandated reporters.
- Appendix B contains guidelines for Social Media and Electronic Communications with children and youth.
- Appendix C details Screening Expectations for a variety of different paid and volunteer positions in the congregation.
- Appendix D details specific online Praesidium Academy modules that are required based on a volunteer or staff members role. Note that these roles include elected positions such as Vestry Members or Convention Delegates.
The full policies as approved by Diocesan Council are available on the Diocesan website here. Additional information and an opportunity for questions will offered at Convention. In the meantime, please email Canon Varner at with any questions or concerns.