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Cursillo in the Diocese of Georgia

A Short Course in Christianity

Cursillo (pronounced ‘kur-see-yo’) is a Spanish word meaning ‘little’ or ‘short course’. This is the name given to the Short Course in Christianity which first developed after World War II with Roman Catholic men. The short course has now been given to men and women around the world and in the process has assisted generations of Christians to more faithfully follow Jesus in their daily lives. There is no real secret here, just the basics of the faith with an emphasis on how would you like to live it out in your life.

Cursillo begins on a Thursday evening and ends the following Sunday evening. During those three days the participants engage in listening to talks given by priests and lay people, and small table discussions, while worshiping and playing together.


The priests, who are the spiritual advisors for the weekend, and the lay people who make up the Cursillo team spend weeks working and praying together in preparation. The titles of the talks include topics like Grace, Laity in the Church, Piety, Study, Sacraments, Leaders, and Christian Community. It is important that you plan to stay for the full three days in order to appreciate the continuity that is building throughout the weekend.

The Fourth Day

The ‘after’ activity of the three-day Cursillo weekend is often called the ‘Fourth Day’, which is the rest of your life. A Cursillo weekend’s main purpose is to provide the tools for that daily Christian living. Most important in this is to create small groups of people willing to meet regularly (usually weekly) to hold one another accountable in an atmosphere of confidentiality where you can bear each others burdens and share each other’s joys.

Who Can Attend?

Any Episcopalian, twenty-one years of age or older, and whose priest has made or is making a Cursillo. Persons of other denominations may also attend if an Episcopal priest will sign for them.

Each Cursillo is held at Honey Creek, the Georgia Episcopal Camp and Conference Center in Waverly, Georgia.

When is the next weekend?

Cursillo #130 is scheduled for May 1-4, 2025 at Honey Creek.
Participant Registration
Team Application

Click here for the list of team and participants for #130. Coming Soon

To help support the ministry of Cursillo in the Diocese of Georgia, click the button above and scroll down to select “Cursillo” from the available funds.